Saturday, October 1, 2016

book launches a frenzy of support

book launches frenzy of support 
success in vanity, press assured
in a small circle, in a Mandarin city
heavy English words in little Taiwan
feel like a trip to 7-11; letting the motor run

those dogs heard barking in the passive voice
are silenced when the food is released  
but resume yelping as a stranger approaches
a stranger whose presence raises fear
soon becomes a pack that no one goes near

fill not a bucket with filthy fairy yarns
for a river thus polluted never comes clean
no reparation but scars from hate
grant me the serenity of letting it go
allow me the peace of watching the river flow

a passing typhoon shredding paper trees
leaves a mess of twigs to burn away 
gathered round the sacrificial bonfire 
unsupported wordsmiths like torn out stumps
more concerned with info dumps

words blown off e-books like sand from mandalas
less than a whisper, more like a holler
no Amazon mermaid can satisfy in dollars
can fulfill the dreams floating in my head
of clouds gathering steam from the river bed

Oct.1, 2016

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