Monday, November 30, 2015

my biggest disappointment is why my eldest daughter

my biggest disappointment is 
why my eldest daughter
why the daughter why
cannot see the disappointment
feel her father's distraction
the wasted energy
it took to keep her free from
her aunt's instigation
negation of our family
a surreptitious entity 

i would rather see her funeral
than see her at your wedding
my hatred is unending, unbending
for the pain she caused our parents
for trying to tear our family apart
with her blackened heart of jealousy
her resentment of my wife
her vengeful stroke
thumbing her nose,laughing
hysterically at the slammed door

i cannot disregard her
or put her under ground
at her niece's finest hour
beyond the deadest flower
smelling like a Rose
a dead Ray in Zimbabwe
abandoned Dad in Miami
deserted Mom in D.C. 
like gifts of dried-up Play-Dough
love cannot be re-molded

how could you invite her,dear daughter 
the woman who poisoned our water
who passed your father by
when the Shanghaied angel cried
and had me stepped aside
to enter our home
swooped down upon
in a long distance telephone
cackling like a witch in delight
the computed lie in the night

how can you not see her intention
how could you take her part
at their end our parents realized
there was nothing in her heart
i guess i will just ignore her
when she floats into the reception hall
when she smiles at us so sweetly
malice meant 
bribes for her redemption
she will spend her last J.A.P.* cent


* Jewish American Princess

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