Wednesday, September 2, 2015

crisp layers of corrugated structures

crisp layers of corrugated structures
dot the impermanent plain
not a resident or worker within
with thoughts beyond existence
no child born that would save the world

mountains roll as the river flows
changes with nature's persistence
while buildings rot 
and residents shrink older
the earth given nothing that would be missed

the city merely maintains
resistant to change
with nature probably interfering.
the river is so different;
not one drop stays in place

earthquake moved mountains
which never about-face
abut thin crisp layers of livelihood
in need of income
how could the residents appreciate it?

how could working people afford
to sit on this bench with me
pondering existence
pondering eternity
crisp fragile layer of civilization

rare daily bread and peaceful dreams
more likely daily dread
and get-rich-quick schemes
just get the workers home by dusk
safely from their delicate layers of corrugated 

vulnerable residents and workers
walk home on the grass along the Han bike path
unaware of snakes lurking underfoot
like the alienation which deprives the individual
of immediate sense experience


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