Monday, June 16, 2014

whichever star of God shined upon me

whichever star of God shined upon me
led me to this Han River bench facing east
randomly passed an egret by my eyes
permitting me to ignore motors whizzing by
whatever the whore's name
that brought him down
or the dead Bruno who took revenge
after the buy-out prevision passed
led me as stars had all my life
to sit with you, my love, enjoying a chat
even if every day we can't hold on to
any more than an egret's flight suspended
no coincidence our rendezvous 
integral steps of things to do
on the way to seeing
the wash spill in and mingle with the river
the simple angler with rod for a dinner
catching tiny fish, one by one
saved from ever reaching China
as i was saved by you, dear Lord
from bureaucrats everywhere


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