Monday, September 16, 2013

what use be vague "Taipei" novel?

what good be useless vague Taipei novel
not of Taipei but popping pimples?
which publisher took luke warm as heroic
and marched 250 pages of can't-make-up-your-mind
onto the New York Times best seller list?
alas, jobless and admiring hipsters,
turning Williamsburg into the opposite of Greenwich Village
wanting, like the protagonist,
to go from party to party
vaguely seemingly wondering where you left glasses
or which damsel with stardust brains
would associate with a man less firm than mucus.
ah, poor dying civilization,
where drones know more than video games,
more than blood splattered on neat uniforms
from all the anonymous hearts they've shattered...
vague is as vague does and the ruling class laughs
keeping lost souls moving around in circles
when they should be organizing against best sellers
and demanding to know which way they're going.
recognize your nebulous future,
the one giant leap which was a back step.
vaguely remember what your parents' generation had,
and your generation lost:
minimum wages
medical care
pensions and savings
social security



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